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Please be safe and keep children safe!
Please be safe and keep children safe!

Menifee County Schools Vision & Mission


“We are Menifee:  Where we ensure every student transitions on a pathway to a successful future in academia, military or career!"


"Empowering future generations to be productive and successful in a global economy through:
• community collaboration
• creative thinking
• instructional rigor and relevance ...
in order to improve the quality of life for ALL.”



News & Announcements

 KACO (Kentucky

February2025CommunityEducationCalendarofEvents_1 (PDF)

Association of Counties) hosted an art contest open to all students in grades kindergarten through 8th all across Kentucky.  The contest theme was to draw something that showcased their county along with a statement about what they love about that county.  Over 600 entries were submitted and Everly Ferguson won the Kindergarten division.  Her work will be featured and recognized at their annual KACO Conference as well as featured in the County Line 2025 Magazine and calendar.  Her artist statement was: "I love Menifee County because the hills and trees look like a storybook, and I get to play in the best story everyday."

First page of the PDF file: EverlyFerguson_1




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